Alma – Growing Up and Growing Old

After a slightly lengthy break, we’re back at last with an update. Last we left Alma, she was to choose which man or woman she was to keep forever.

It was a tough decision. She had many lovers, who all had appealing characteristics. However, out of all of them, two stood out. Stiles McGraw, the man who loved her for her ambition, not just her looks, and Christopher Steel, the father of her first child.


Here’s a picture of Edmund practicing his painting skill to stop you from seeing the answer right away =P

Now, another succubus, one that had grown up among humans, might have chosen differently. However, Alma is still quite shallow and, in the end, could not look past Stiles’ plain face into his good heart. Her answer, then, was to go with Christopher Steel.


She scours the town to find him and locates him in the park bathroom.


Father and son barely recognize each other when they see each other again.


However – oops! – Alma is not allowed to have him here as a lover yet, because she still has some outstanding lovers that she needs to end things with first. However, this doesn’t stop her from asking him to move in with her. He gladly accepts.


He gets to work at once being Mr. Mom.


This time, however, he feels uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed with Alma, so opts to take his son’s bed instead, leaving Edmund to come sleep with Alma. I took this picture because they just looked so cute together.


Christopher is very much concerned about the state of food in this house. Canned soup for breakfast! Outrageous!


While Christopher babysits the little ones, Alma goes off to break up with her two remaining lovers.


She arrives at Thorton Wolff’s house just in time to see him leave his wife for her!! I kid you not! She gets a -60 mood as a result…


… and it makes breaking things off with him that much more uncomfortable. However he, like her first boyfriend, has commitment issues, so he’s cool with it.


Mortimer is much less cool with it. He has heard through the grape vine that she has been cheating on him.


Mortimer is devastated. Alma is above this human emotional nonsense and answers her phone instead.


Alma tries to patch things up with him, but it just doesn’t work. Guess it’s time to go home. It was fun while it lasted, though.


Meanwhile we see where Edmund got his studious nature.


Alma returns home, exhausted, but ready to declare Christopher her official lover.


… Maybe not tonight. Alma is too tired and just goes to bed. Christopher hushes Anya to keep her from disturbing Mommy.


Edmund is out back working on his painting skill. Yeesh. Maybe Edmund should try a different hobby.


The next day, Alma achieves her LTW! +1 point! While she may be impassive on the outside, inwardly, she is elated.


Alma reveals her intentions for Christopher. “Look, Christopher, I know we have history, and I shut you out of Edmund’s life, but… I was really hoping that we could get back together. I want us to be a family.”


Christopher has been in love with Alma from the moment he saw her. He says yes in a heartbeat.


Wow those kids cry at inopportune moments.


And good god these are awful.


It’s the girls’ birthday! Azalea ages up first.


Ta-dah! Not sure about that haircut, and she might want to put on some pants, but she’s turning out to be quite pretty.


Anya has her turn next, but I don’t want to post the pictures because they both have their eyes crossed. (There will be a gag reel, don’t worry) Anya has inherited her father’s hair colour and her mother’s green eyes. She gains the technophobic trait, which I detest, but blame Alma’s parenting.


Azalea has her father’s blue eyes and dark complexion, but her mother’s hair. She has gained the trait of Couch Potato. Neither one of them is shaping up to be the clear succubus, but that’s what makes things interesting.


Even though they’re older now, the sisters are still the best of friends.


Now that they’ve had a bit of time to save up, I build them a new family home! This is nothing compared to the mansion that I’ll build them someday, but it will certainly do for now.


Alma and Christopher slumber in their new home…


… while Azalea flatly refuses to go to bed.


The first thing that Edmund sees these days are his hideous paintings on the wall. God help the poor boy… but he’s pretty proud of them, so as long as he is happy.


Now that the girls are old enough, Christopher can focus on his hobbies…


…while Alma sits around…


…. and Edmund paints more..


… leaving Anya to clean up after everyone.




You know, I think he’s actually getting worse.


Now that she’s fulfilled all her major ambitions, Alma is left with a vague sense of impending doom. Namely, she knows that she will soon grow old and die. The elderly seem to be everywhere she looks, these days.


It helps her fears not at all when her boss dies in front of her at work the next day. RIP Iliana.


Christopher blissfully fishes away…


…. Until Alma comes home and jumps him, just to feel alive.


The girls ignore it. They’re used to it by now.


Nervous as I am about Edmund’s painting skills, he only has one more day until his mother becomes an elder, and she has told him in no uncertain terms that he must paint her while she is still young and beautiful, so he starts in on her portrait right away.


Alma looks on with approval at the boy that the twins brought home. Perhaps he will be their first love… maybe even their first lover. But she reminds herself not to get ahead of herself, for she does not know which one of them will be heir yet.


It’s Edmund’s birthday!


Oh dear god, he grew the ponytail back.


That’s better. With that, Edmund finally graduates to being a young man. He gains the trait of virtuoso, and his LTW is to be a master of 3 skills. Perhaps at last he can start his life now, away from this constant parade of lovers and broken hearts. He loves his mother, but he craves his freedom. On the other hand, maybe he will be chained to this family until the day he dies.


Alma has instructed him to finish her portrait as soon as possible, so Edmund does not go out to get a job the next morning. Instead he joins his father on the couch as everyone else dashes out the door. Adventures in unemployment.


Christopher goes fishing…


… while the repo man visits their lot. However, for the life of me, I could not tell what she took!


Oh well. At least the portrait is done. +1 point


Just in time, too! It’s time for Alma’s birthday. Doesn’t she look terrified?


Alma is less than pleased with the results.


She opts to call it an early night, ashamed of her appearance.


Christopher joins her shortly and snuggles up close. No matter how she looks, she captured his heart long ago, and he will always be hers.


Uh-oh! Instead of going to sleep, Edmund autonomously decides to paint, and creates a picture that looks distinctly familiar. Why, it’s Stephenie Ursine, the girl he took on one date in high school! Crushes on the babysitter may be one thing, but she’s gotten into his brain somehow, and he can’t seem to get her out of it.


Alma has officially reached the top of her career path. She glows with pride.


Meanwhile, Edmund gets a job as a scientist, then goes off to see Stephenie. She’s… different. It’s like seeing her for the first time. “I… I know we haven’t talked for awhile, but I can’t seem to get you out of my head…”


“I think I…”


The sparks are certainly flying. Edmund asks Stephenie to be his girlfriend. She accepts gladly.


Speaking of sparks, Alma is worried that the spark has gone out of her relationship with Christopher, now that she has gotten old.


It seems her fears were groundless.


The twins’ childhoods have just flown by! It seems like it was only yesterday they became children, and now they are on the cusp of becoming teenagers! Anya enjoys her last few minutes of childhood.


It’s Azalea’s birthday!


Wow. Azalea has grown into a fierce young thing. (Though I think I will change that lioness hair.) She’s not stick thin, but beautiful in curves.


It’s Anya’s turn now!


Alma and Christopher have gotten too caught up in each other to notice, but her sister is not about to let her down. She celebrates loud enough for all of them.


Anya has also grown up into a beautiful woman. She is thinner, and dresses more conscientiously, but each girl is gorgeous in her own right. Both of them gain the flirty trait. Which one will grow into a succubus? The teenage years will show which of them inherited their mother’s bloodline…

Alma Part 5 – Fulfillment

And we’re back. Last we left Alma, she was in labor, about to bring a new child into the world. Is this the heir at last?


Yes! Meet Anya. She was born with the traits Excitable and Light Sleeper. She should grow into a fine young… Uh oh. What’s this?


A twin! This is Azalea, and as you can see, these two little girls couldn’t be more different. Azalea was rolled the Genius trait at birth, as well as Brave. Which one of them will be the heir? Only time shall tell.


Fresh out of the hospital, Alma is called up by Thornton Wolff, who invites her out on a date. She leaves her children behind to go out with him.


Dustin spots Alma and stands, glaring, while she and Thornton talk.


Twice the babies mean twice the sitters! One of them does her job…


… while the other stands around chatting with big brother Edmund.


Okay seriously it’s been hours and Dustin is still standing there glaring at them. I know you’re upset, but get a life, Dustin.


Alma brings Thornton home…


… and gets it on!


Well, she tries to at least. Twice the babies means twice the crying.


When given a little peace, Alma secures him as #8. Her succubus challenge is coming to a close.


Which gives her some time to focus on the important things in life.


Alma catches a nap when the twins let her. These two are exhausting!


Alma bumps into a gorgeous young stranger on the street. Her name is Ayesha Ansari, and they chat it up.


Back at home, it’s Edmund’s birthday!


Nice leather, Edmund. As a teen, he gains the family trait of Flirty.


Alma brings Ayesha back home and she multitasks – take care of the babies and flirt!




Edmund may have turned out good-looking, but he’s still quite the dork at heart. Just look at those bunny slippers!


Wow, Ayesha. Way to leave Anya on the ground.


Muuuuuuch better.


Alma and Ayesha just before a quick woohooing. Ayesha is officially #9.


I think that Edmund may have a bit of a crush on the sitter. Whether this will develop into anything, we shall see.


Meanwhile, Alma ends things with Ayesha. She is going to be an elder soon, and has no time to waste.


Come to think of it, now that she is at #9, she has some other business to take care of. She catches a cab over to Jarred’s place to end things with him first.


Unlike Christopher, Jarred did not come to the hospital with her. In spite of this, Alma still really likes him. Well, he’s got his looks, at least. She sees him again and loses her nerve, opting to chat instead.


‘God,’ she thinks. ‘Just look how hot he is. Can I REALLY dump him?’


And then, just as she’s about to do it, he surprises her – he asks her to move in with him! Alma is taken aback, and almost says yes, but in the end, she does what she has to do.


And then sticks around for so long afterwards trying to make amends that she ends up wetting herself. Jarred is having second thoughts about ever having hooked up with her.


Taking care of twins is exhausting work.


The exact same thing happens as soon as Alma comes home from her job. Poor Alma!


And it’s not about to get any easier. The girls are growing up fast! Happy birthday, Azalea and Anya. Azalea turned out to be very, very blonde, which surprised me.


Anya, on the other hand, inherited darker hair. Night and day, these two.


Meanwhile, Edmund is over at the house of a friend from school. He thinks he might kind of like her, which is weird for him, given her questionable fashion choices.


Anya adores her big brother. Something tells me he’s going to be looking out for these girls.


Like her older brother, Azalea loves playing with blocks.


Despite how different they appear, the twins are fast friends. Just look how cute they are!


Alma and Edmund each take a twin to teach to talk. Of course, Edmund teaches Anya about science, while Alma relates the importance of getting ahead in the workplace, no matter what the cost.


Anya has mastered talking and is moving on to walking.


Azalea, on the other hand, is still stuck on talking. “Please, please learn this!”


Edmund takes his friend from school out on a date. On second thought, maybe he’ll go back to having a crush on the sitter.


Meanwhile, Alma zeros in on something that she has always wanted…


… And Alma gets what she wants.


“Score!” says Mortimer as he gets into bed with her. Here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson.


And just like that, Alma has reached #10.


Now that Alma has reached 10 lovers, she may choose one of them for her long term love. Who will it be? Will it be…

Xander Clavell, her first boyfriend. He has commitment issues, sure, but Alma has always liked a challenge.
Christopher Steel, father of her first child that fell head over heels for her and accompanied her to the hospital when she was having Edmund.
Iliana Langerak, Alma’s boss. Sleeping with the boss has advantages in the workplace, and Alma is confident that she could win her back easily.
Torrey Span, who is not much in the way of brains or attitude, but who is really really hot and great in the sack.
Stiles McGraw, who is not much to look at but was interested in Alma’s interest in her career, not her body, and is good with children.
Jarred Roberson, father of the twins, attractive, and surprised Alma with an invitation to move into his house!
River McIrish, who became good friends with Edmund and would be a welcome addition to the family.
Thornton Wolff, married, but one of Alma’s co-workers and financially stable.
Ayesha Ansari, the pretty and mysterious thief.
Or Mortimer Goth, the boy that Alma has wanted since he was a teenager?


Who shall it be? Check back to find out…


Bonus: I don’t think Mortimer likes kids much.


Alma Part 4 – Hard times for a succubus

Last we left our heroine(?), she had reached the halfway mark in her life as a succubus, has had one male child, and has destroyed one marriage. In the days following her misdeed, however, she hits a wall.


Alma meets Dorie Hart in the park. The two become friends, and Alma feels certain that, given a little time, she could turn Dorie into another partner.


For now, Alma heads home. She has, after all, promised to be a better mother to Edmund.


True to her word, upon arrival at home, Alma attempts some potty training. Gross. Motherhood, she decides, is disgusting.


The next morning, Alma attempts a less repulsive motherhood task – teaching her child to walk.


Truth be told, she’s bored out of her mind.


She calls up Dorie. “Hey, my kid’s driving me nuts. Wanna come hang out?”


Her initial come-ons are met with indifference because Dorie is married, so Alma opts to befriend her before trying to lure her into bed.


Alma’s plan appears to be successful.


However, when Alma tries to secure Dorie as #6…


… Dorie up and leaves. Yup. Dorie agreed to woohoo, then just decided to head home. Poor Alma.


In the meantime, Edmund’s needs have, again, been forgotten.


Fortunately, Edmund has a caring sitter to look after him while his somewhat neglectful mother is at work.


After work, Alma goes to the pool to try to pick up a new lover. She spots Torrey getting into the pool. ‘He really was hot…’ she reflects. ‘I should have let him have a baby with me.’


Ah well. No used crying over spilled milk. Alma opts to bring home Vasyl Varney instead. (Yeah, I’m not sure about the name either.) She tries to seduce him…


… but he rebuffs her. In fact, she stays up all night trying to get him to woohoo with her without success.


By the next day, Alma is feeling rather desperate. She goes to the park to try to pick up some attractive people. She spots Mortimer Goth but – oops! – he’s a teenager! Maybe when he’s a little older, Alma will take him for a spin.


Alma pays the consequences for last night as Mortimer’s mother watches with amusement.


Alma tries again. It seems she’s found a cute and like-minded Sim at last.


Uh-oh! Nevermind! This guy doesn’t like to flirt!


This is Jarred Roberson. Alma introduces herself. While she’s not certain how she feels about the ponytail, she definitely thinks that this one’s a cutie.


But alas, she’s too exhausted to have him over tonight, despite her starvation for a bit of action. She heads home to find that Vasyl still hasn’t left. Sure, HE gets to sleep all day…


And so on with the daily grind for Alma. She goes in to work with her mind on her career…


… and comes out determined. Tonight, she WILL find #6.


Alma calls up Jarred.


Just look at those beautiful eyes! Alma just knows she has to have this one.


Jarred falls under her spell quickly.


And just like that, Jarred is secured as #6!


A few minutes later, Edmund has his birthday!


He seems to have inherited his mother’s light-colored hair, not his father’s brown hair. He looks fairly pretty for a child, but we will see if his mother’s genetics continue as he gets older. Despite his mother’s lackluster parenting skills, Edmund still manages to come away with the Genius trait, to add to the Heavy Sleeper and Excitable traits that he was born with. Now go put on a shirt, Edmund.


No sooner than Edmund is done having his birthday than Alma ages up to adulthood.


Wrinkles be damned! Alma is still a succubus and she will do her job well.


… Right after this nap. Poor Alma, burning the candle at both ends these days.


Alma tries for a quicky before work, but runs out of time.


This leaves Jarred to chat awkwardly with Edmund about school until the bus arrives.


Alma comes home to discover that Jarred broke the tap before leaving.


Edmund ignores the flood and starts in on his homework without prompting.


He seems to be shaping up to be quite the goody-two-shoes. (Shaping? Geddit?)


Alma invites Jarred over again. She is determined to make him the father of her heir.


Jared breaks the shower before leaving this time. Poor Edmund can’t fix it but attempts the fruitless task of mopping up.


Knowing well that Jarred cannot stand another night with her without a day or two to recover, Alma opts to explore other avenues. This is River McIrish, whom she met at the library.


Still got it.


 Now that Edmund is old enough, he’s decided to scope out his mother’s partners. He and River seem to be getting along very well.


Well enough, in fact, that after Alma ends things with River, she sticks around for another few hours playing tag with Edmund.


Time for baby-making session part 3! Jarred sure looks excited.


And then, Alma ends things with her boss at last. This results in quite a loss in relationship, which will hurt Alma’s work performance. But Alma knows it’s for the best. Besides, she was never really attracted to Iliana anyway.


Looks like that last baby-making session did the trick!


Nick Alto asks Alma out on a date in the morning…


… but when she invites him back to her place, she discovers she is pregnant.


Alma asks Nick to leave and reads a pregnancy book instead. ‘This time,’ she thinks, ‘I’ll get it right.’


Hey there! Looks like Mortimer has aged up at last! Alma may be putting him on her “to do” list for after this pregnancy is over.


Alma goes into labor all alone this time. Will it be the heir? Check back for updates…

Alma Part 3 – Adventures in Pettiness

Welcome back! Last we left things, Alma had just gone into labor to bring her first child into the world. Is it the heir already?


… Nope. Welcome to the family Edmund, first baby boy of the Veritas family. As a male, Edmund will not be a demon, but he will eventually inherit the family trait of being flirty. Also, he will be growing up with a succubus for a mother, which I imagine would mess a kid up.


Despite the fact that Alma has just broken his heart, Christopher insisted on coming to see the birth of his son.


Alma is exhausted and invites him to stay the night. Christopher accepts, but appears to be having some second thoughts about sharing a bed as just friends.


Even in his sleep, he can’t get over his broken heart. Poor guy. Seems like he really did love her.


Alma is woken after a late night to the baby crying. Motherhood is not all it’s cracked up to be. She needs some stress relief, so decides to call Torrey.


She’s still mad about Torrey deciding to read a book rather than pay attention to her labor. Still, he’s hot. Might as well take him for one last ride before dropping the bomb. A girl’s got to eat, after all.


“I’m not sure this is working out…” Torrey glares in quiet rage, and leaves right away. Alma feels no regret about this one. He had it coming.


And on to the next one. Alma is turning out to be quite the neglectful mother, as she opts to call Stiles right after Torrey leaves. She greets him wearing only her underwear, too, just to mess with him. It must be taking all of Stiles’ willpower to keep looking at her face.


In spite of her unclothed state, Alma and Stiles don’t seem to be heating up much at first.


But one kiss…


… and he belongs to her.


Alas, Stiles is called away for work. Alma refuses to let her maternity leave go to waste and calls Dustin Langerak over again instead. The last baby was a bust, may as well get to work on the next one. Despite the fact that he has expressed interest, and the fact that Alma has already successfully seduced his wife, Dustin seems immune to her charms. He just wants to go home.


However, he seems to be very fond of little Edmund.


Alma tries again. Still no luck.


Annoyed, Alma sends Dustin away, and calls Stiles back. He is pleased that she called so soon, but spends his time cooing over Edmund as well.


Alma finds herself, just for a moment, jealous, though she’s not sure which one the two is making her feel this way.


The next moment, she looks on with pride. Stiles really is very good with Edmund.


Stiles goes on to clean up the dishes that have been laying around for days.


That does it for Alma. Plain he might be, but there’s nothing sexier than a man that does her dishes. She jumps him, ignoring the fact that Edmund has aged up in the meantime.


Morning dawns… Will these three someday be a family? Perhaps. But today is not that day.


As little Edmund looks on, she ends her relationship with Stiles.


And then… something very odd happened. 9800 simoleons were suddenly added to the family inventory. I didn’t complete an opportunity or anything, but there they were. Very strange, but… I didn’t cheat so I guess they belong to Alma now. I built them a little shack of a house.


Alma invited Dustin over again, but he continued to spurn her advances. Alma finds herself angry about this… and so devises a plan. She goes to sleep dreaming of how she will avenge her wounded pride…


Meanwhile poor little Edmund sits alone and semi-abandoned in his rainbow t-shirt. (Clearly his mother picked his outfit)


Don’t worry. Mama is here. She’s going to try to do a better job taking care of him… just as soon as she deals with this one little thing.


Alma invites Iliana over…


… and asks her to end things with Dustin.


Iliana agrees, and just like that, Alma and Dustin are enemies. 


Thrilled by her victory, Alma calls a sitter and takes a cab to the park to take the night off and have some fun.


She bumps into her ex, Xander.


And proceeds to gossip about the end of Dustin’s marriage. Soon it will be all over town. Perhaps she will never have his genetics, but Alma has had her revenge. Will there be repercussions for her actions? Will she successfully conceive a female child before she has gone through ten lovers, given that she has already had five? Will she ever give any attention to poor Edmund? Only time shall tell…

Alma Part 2 – In which Alma explores her options

And we’re back! Last we left Alma, she had successfully conquered her first heart… or at least woohooed for the first time. We pick up our story with the day after. Fearing the brevity of human life, Alma decides she can waste no time, and decides to break up with him.


Alma meets up with Xander again outside the bookstore and says hello. It looks like they may need a bit of practice kissing, since she appears to be attempting to eat him.


But life is short for a mortal, so Alma ends her first experiment just as soon as she began it. She’s heard that mortals are frequently upset when their love affairs end, and braces herself for his anger.


Xander, however, seems fine with it. Apparently he has commitment issues. Alma is almost a little disappointed that he’s not more upset over losing her.


With her first fling over as soon as it has started and no fireworks to be had, Alma finds someone new within minutes. Christopher Steel catches her attention, and she strikes up a conversation.


All is going well until her boss, Iliana Langerak suddenly appears and starts trying to talk to Alma about work.


It is at this point that Alma has an idea. She needs to seduce and eat anyway. Why not get ahead in her career by doing so? Perhaps Iliana can be her first female partner… But not today. Alma sleeps alone that night.


In the morning, it seems that the dishes have been breeding on their own. Oh why must she deal with such trivial matters as housekeeping?


Alma opts to ignore the pile of dishes and goes to the gym to take a shower. While she is there, Stiles McGraw approaches her. He comments that he is attracted to her devotion to her career, and Alma feels something new. She actually… likes this mortal. The fact that he came over and discussed her career rather than her body attracts her. But he’s so… plain. She could not possibly allow him to be the father of her future child, for what chance would a succubus that looks like him have in the world?


Alma sets these thoughts aside and devotes some time to working on her charisma skill, a necessary talent for any good succubus. “Ah, so that is how I am supposed to seduce them…”


Armed with her new-found confidence and charisma, not to mention a shirt that makes her look like a teenager (seriously ugly, I have no idea where it came from) and a lot full of stinky plates, Alma calls up Christopher.


Turns out that Christopher rather likes the teenager look. The two of them pick up right from where they left off.


When Alma and Christopher talk, time seems to fly by. It’s dark before Alma remembers that she is supposed to be seducing him…


… but after that she wastes no time. Poor Christopher, he’s already a goner.


And so, Christopher has become partner #2. Afterwards, Alma dreams of the magical realm that is her home, while Christopher sits around reading in his dorky cow-print pyjamas. Poor fashion sense is something that these two have in common.


The next day passes without much happening. That evening, Alma meets Torrey Span in the park. These two also connect at once, as they are both flirty. It doesn’t hurt that Alma thinks he’s hot.


Whoops! Looks like Alma didn’t use protection during last night’s roll in the hay with Christopher. She’s pregnant! Meanwhile, Xander walks by this former lover, now pregnant and flirting with another man, without a care in the world. If only all humans could be this easy-going.


Christopher is elated when Alma tells him the news.


It’s only after a quick round of celebration woohooing that Alma breaks the news that she doesn’t want Christopher to be a part of the child’s life. She stares at her feet, ashamed in spite of her succubus nature.


Christopher leaves and Alma consoles herself by reading a pregnancy book. Still, she can’t help but be a little bit sad…


Alma refuses to stay down. She busies herself cleaning up the lot and resolves to invite Iliana over for a little while, if only to ensure that her position at work is safe. If Iliana happens to fall into Alma’s bed, well, what is a girl to do?


“Oh, wow, Alma! You look great! You’re just glowing!”

“Thank you…”


“… you’re looking pretty good yourself.”


Iliana gets all weak-kneed when they kiss.


Operation Seduce the Boss has been a success. #3 in the bag. Or rather, the sack.


The next morning, Alma gets a phone call from Torrey inviting her out on a date. Even though she’s pregnant, she’s not one to let an opportunity go by her. “Hey, there. You wanna come back to my place?”


Always with that trash can!


Torrey is secured as #4. Apparently pregnancy suits Alma, as she seems to have no time getting people into bed with her.


Afterwards, Torrey seems a little anxious about whether or not his performance was adequate. Alma kindly reassures him. ‘We have a lot in common,’ she thinks. ‘Perhaps once this is all over, I’ll keep him as my permanent lover.’


But then Alma goes into labor and Torrey panics.


‘Oh god oh god oh god. Is it supposed to hurt this much???’


Torrey gets tired of freaking out and so sits down to read a book, leaving poor Alma to take herself to the hospital! ‘Okay that’s it, I am so breaking up with you.”

Will this baby be the heir? Stay tuned!

Alma – The Legacy Begins

Welcome to Saiph’s Succubus Legacy! This is my first legacy attempt, so please excuse me while I learn the ropes. I promise that both my screenshots and my writing will get better with time.


For this challenge, I will be following the standard Legacy rules, as well as a few additional ones of my own.


  • This is a matriarchy. The bloodline is passed through the females, though the males may be slightly affected by their heritage.
  • The first-born female of any generation will be the next succubus. If she should die, the challenge is over. In the case of twins, the heir is determined once they reach young adulthood.
  • Each succubus must have at least ten lovers throughout their lifetime. The next succubus is not granted her powers until number ten is reached. If a succubus dies before reaching ten, the challenge is over.
  • While a love interest need not be an official boyfriend/girlfriend, the relationship must be consummated through woohooing at least once for them to count as a lover.
  • After the tenth lover, the succubus MAY choose one of their past lovers as their permanent lover and move them into the house. However, they are not allowed to marry.
  • If a succubus woohoos with the same individual three times within three days, their energy shall be drained and they shall die.
  • Family Trait: Flirty
  • Magic attracts magic. With each generation, another group of magical creatures will move into the town once the next heir becomes a child.


Finally, an in-game guideline: Succubi, after having their female heir, should not have any more children. Whether or not the current succubus shall obey this rule is up to them…


And now, for our story…


In the quiet town of Sunset Valley, something evil has been born. A succubus has been created and will turn this town upside-down. Over the course of ten generations, relationships shall be tested, loyalties will be challenged. And it all starts with one…




Meet Alma Veritas. Blonde, busty, just formed from the energy of this little town… and has very little dress sense, it seems. Guess she’s going to have to go after some guys and gals who don’t mind that she looks like she’s dressed in maternity clothing all the time. Her traits: Flirty, Great Kisser, Perfectionist, Charismatic, Ambitious. Her life-time wish is to be a CEO, because she wants to give her offspring enough money to live on for the future.




Alma has just arrived in town (not to mention, the world), and she knows her one purpose, so wastes no time, chatting up the first guy she sees. This is Xander Clavell, and already he can see through the t-shirt and jeans to the smokin’ body underneath. Could he be lucky guy #1?



Maybe. But for now, Alma steals some food. She’s not used to these mortal needs.



Alma returns “home” and invites Xander over. She’s hungry, and a succubus has to eat.



It’s her first night in town, but she knows if she just turns on the charm he will be hers. She just needs to be confident, calm, collected…



… she can’t do it. Another night, perhaps. Tonight, she faces the human need for sleep. Neither of them have love on their mind as they sleep tonight. Alma is too busy dreaming about her career.



And yet, when she goes into the office the next day, she’s back thinking of her other job. What gives?



After work, Alma fears she’s smelling in a rather unladylike way, so she stops by the gym for a quick shower. (I almost didn’t use this picture because it seemed a little too, heh heh, steamy, but it’s blurred out, right?)



While she’s there, she bumps into a handsome new stranger. Meet Dustin Langerak.



They really seem to be hitting it off. But – uh oh! – he’s married! And to Alma’s boss, no less! While he may have good genetics, to woohoo with him could put Alma’s career in jeopardy.



Oh well. That is a problem for another day. Tonight, Alma must conquer the first hurdle. “Xander, tonight, you are mine.”



Alma pulls out all the stops… right next to the garbage can. In a big lot full of grass, she picked the least sexy place I can think of.



Oh well. Looks like it worked. Stay tuned for more adventures!


Sims 3 Succubus Legacy